Does your teen struggle in life?

Does your teen struggle with conflictual situations, choice paralysis or laziness and need some more direction in life?

I ask the difficult and powerful questions that allow us to figure out what is the targeted Y and then together we find the X feeding this Y.

Try an innovative approach to get your teen back on track!

So Who Is Coaching By Natz?

My Methodology

  1. We Define their problems, the pebbles in their shoe.
  2. We Measure the impact of these pebbles have on their life, and on what more precisely.
  3. We Analyse the main causes of the hazards that are bothering them, we analyse whether these causes can be eliminated, and if not, we look for solutions to mitigate their impact.
  4. We Improve/Innovate by listing actions in a Plan in which they will list the means for carrying out their Life Improvement actions, as well as the people who can help them in carrying out the actions, as well as the date when the action should start and end, and finally the observations that will enable them to remember what worked conducting the action, what they liked and disliked. This will be useful for step C, the next one.
  5. We check their actions together, going over and commenting on the observations s/he has written in the column. What worked and what didn't. This work helps the Teen to choose its next actions ; actions are important, because they are what trigger change. But in order to carry them out, the Teen has to check whether they were too complicated, too quick, too drastic or too soft. Continuous improvement means getting to know our-Self better, and moving as quickly and calmly as possible towards the objective of the Coaching Programme that the young person has set him/herself.

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